Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is applicable to Bluesuisse Markets Limiteds website (the "website") and our Apps. Bluesuisse Markets Limited places a high priority on protecting and safeguarding our client’s personal and financial information. Before submitting any personal data, a person should examine the given terms and should only continue by agreeing with the terms in the given Privacy Policy with principles set for data transfer, storage, and processing. Bluesuisse Markets Limited takes your privacy very seriously. Our Privacy policy provides an overview of how Bluesuisse Markets Limited collects, processes, and uses your personal information that we obtain when you use the Bluesuisse Marketsservices, visit our website or mobile application or otherwise interact with
us, how we share and protect your information.
We may make changes to this Privacy Policy from time to time and it is important
that you check this Policy for any updates. Any personal information we hold will be
governed by current Policy at the given time. If we make any important changes, we
will communicate them to you in a timely manner.
For the purpose of this Privacy policy “Processing of Client Data” means any action
that is performed with the client data, including collecting, recording, structuring,
safekeeping, changing, forwarding, deleting, archiving, etc.
Any reference to “we”, “our”, “us” means Bluesuisse markets Limited as the context
requires unless otherwise stated.
Any references to “you”, “your” or “yourself” is a reference to any of our clients and
potential clients as the context requires unless otherwise stated.
Bluesuisse Markets Limited enforces stringent security procedures and systems to
provide you a safe and secure operating environment.
What personal information do we collect?
The collection of personal information is only required when you submit a request via
one of our online application forms (to learn more about one of) for our services or
programs or when you apply to open an account with us.
By completing the account application form, you are requested to disclose personal
information to enable Bluesuisse Markets Limited to assess your application.
Bluesuisse Markets Limited needs to perform its due diligence measures and apply
KYC`s principles (Know-Your-Client) before entering a client relationship to prevent
any suspicious actions, such as money laundering or terrorist financing and comply
with the relevant laws (including their regulations). The information that we may
collect from you includes the following:
  1. Personal data, such as full name, date of birth, place of birth, residential
    address, and contact details (email address, telephone number, etc.).
  2. Financial data, such as information about your income and wealth, including
    details about your source of funds, savings, bank account, e-wallets and
    credit card details, trading statements, tax and financial statements.
  3. Profession and employment details.
  4. Location data.
  5. Knowledge and experience in trading, risk profile and risk appetite.
  6. Details of your visits to our website and mobile Apps, including but not limited
    to traffic data, location and other communication data.
    Therefore, we require all our clients’ also to provide identity verification information:
  7. Identity documents, such as government-issued national ID card or
    international passport, driving licence or other governmental proof of
    identification, as permitted by applicable laws.
  8. Other authentication information, such as a recent utility bill or bank statement
    in order to verify their address.
    If you are corporate client, we require to collect additional information, such as:
  9. Corporate documents of incorporation
  10. Company proof of address
  11. Shareholders, directors’ and officers’ personal information, identity documents
    and other authentication information.
    To verify your identity Bluesuisse Markets Limited can use third parties that carry out
    identity checks on its behalf.
    We keep the right to ask for any additional information we deem necessary to be
    compliant with our legal and regulatory requirements.
    How do we use your personal information?
    Bluesuisse Markets Limited collects and uses personal information held about you
    for the following reasons:
  12. To evaluate whether you are eligible for brokerage and other services
    available on our platforms and if they are appropriate for you.
  13. To verify your identity and background before we decide whether or not we
    conduct business with you.
  14. To open and maintain your account.
  15. To comply with applicable laws or regulations.
  16. To provide you with the services and products we offer and to notify you if
    there are any changes to our services or products (unless you tell us that you
    prefer us not to).
  17. To ensure that our business relationship complies with all relevant regulatory
  18. To handle any complaints or queries we receive from you.
  19. To process payments from you and to you.
  20. To improve our services and website.
    10.To conduct customer surveys, marketing campaigns, market analysis, or
    promotional activities (with your consent).
  21. For any other purpose for which your personal information was provided to us
    (with your consent).
    Who we share your personal information with, and in what circumstances?
    Bluesuisse Markets Limited does not sell, lease or licence personal information to a
    third party, but we may disclose personal information to a third party for the following
    purposes after obtaining your express consent where legally required:
  22. We may disclose your personal information to any relevant regulatory,
    governmental, or law enforcement authority as required by law.
  23. We may disclose your personal information to third parties necessary to
    provide you with information on products and services you requested, such as
    service providers and professional advisors contracted to provide us with
    administrative, IT, financial, regulatory, compliance, insurance, research or
  24. We may disclose your personal information (with your consent) to introducing
    brokers and affiliates with whom we have a mutual relationship and to
    attorneys acting under powers of attorney with you.
  25. We reserve the right to disclose personal information to non-affiliated third
    parties for regulatory or reporting purposes as required by law, to protect our
    rights or property.
  26. We may disclose your personal information to any organisation or person only
    if we are expressly instructed by you.
    We will not disclose your information to any outside parties to allow them to market
    to you directly.
    How do we protect and safeguard your personal information?
    Bluesuisse Markets Limited takes the safeguarding of clientsand partners data
    very seriously. Within the framework of applicable laws, we ensure that client data is
    protected with the appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent
    unauthorised access, unlawful processing or disclosure, accidental loss,
    modification, or destruction. In addition, employees, agents, partners, and third
    parties have only limited access to your personal information, strictly according to
    your given consent. Among implementation the organisational, physical, IT, and
    other necessary security measures to ensure the protection of client data, such
    security measures shall include the following activities:
  27. Internal rules of the requirements for processing, registering, and recording
    client data as well as procedures for checking compliance with those
  28. Employees can access only necessary client data in a client database, which
    is strictly in accordance with their job duties performed.
  29. Unauthorised processing of data or any other unauthorised use of data shall
    be prohibited.
  30. Every user of the client database shall be issued a personal means of
    authentication, enabling them to use the database.
  31. With the registration client provides personal information, which is classified
    as registered information and is saved in the client portal. The client portal
    could be accessed only with the username and password selected by the
    client. It is the clients’ responsibility and obligation to protect and secure their
    login details (username and password).
  32. When the client decides to cancel the registration process and not to
    complete it, the personal data provided at this stage will not be saved for
    further processing.
    Bluesuisse Markets Limited is storing and using personal data based only on clients consent. Clients may revoke consent at any time. However, any processing of personal data before the receipt of clients revocation will not be affected. If such
    consent is not given, Bluesuisse Markets Limited cannot process any persons’ data,
    or services to the person in question. Clients have a right to withdraw their consent
    at any time by contacting, but please be aware that this is
    likely to have an impact upon the products and services we can provide to you.
    Your data protection rights
    Bluesuisse Markets Limited respects the client’s rights to access and control their
    personal data. Under certain circumstances, defined by law, client have the right to:
  33. Request Bluesuisse Markets Limited to provide a copy of the personal
    information held about the client. Bluesuisse Markets Limited shall protect its
    clients and ask individuals to prove their identity to minimise the risk of identity
  34. Request inaccurate or incomplete data to be corrected by Bluesuisse Markets
    Limited. Bluesuisse Markets Limited has the legal right to request additional
    information or documentation to validate the need for the requested change of
  35. Request to delete or remove personal data. Removing or deleting personal
    data will result in the closure of their account (s). However, Bluesuisse
    Markets Limited may have to maintain the client’s personal data in order to
    comply with any applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Due to the
    anti-money laundering laws that Bluesuisse Markets Limited is subject to, we
    shall preserve data for at least five years following the termination of the client
    relationship, unless other terms for the preservation of data or documents are
    prescribed by law.
  36. Request to restrict data processing. Clients may request to restrict the use of
    their data for marketing purpose by contacting
    Questions and Complaints
    If you have any questions or queries regarding our Privacy Policy, wish to access or
    change your information or would like to raise a complaint, please do not hesitate to
    contact us or request a callback.
    If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your
    personal data in accordance with the law, you can escalate your complaint to the
    data protection commissioner in your jurisdiction.